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【開講通知】R3年度「International Cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals 」

To: All GSST students 

From: Sadahiro Tsurekawa 

      Director of Global Joint Education Center for Science and Technology 

Announcement of Lectures in English (Advanced General Education) 

Global Joint Education Center for Science and Technology (GJEC) will offer the following intensive course in English. 

TitleInternational Cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals 

    ※This course will be held as the combination of synchronous sessions via Zoom and
asynchronous sessions fully on Moodle.
We will announce the details of course on Moodle later. 

For students who enrolled in or after 2018, this course will be held as one of the subject of “Subject for Science and Technology/Advanced General Education/Understanding Contemporary B” 

For students who enrolled in or before 2017, this course will be held as one of the subject of “Advanced General Education/International Relations” 

InstructorKyoko Nakano 

Schedule】 December 10 (Fri) 18:10-19:40 by Zoom 

              January 24(Mon), 2022 16:25-17:55, 18:10-19:40 by Zoom 

We will announce you the schedule for providing the movies on Moodle later. 

Credit】  1 Credit 

Code】  [For students who enrolled in or after 2018] (Master) 49121 (Doctor) 79121 

For students who enrolled in or before 2017 (Doctor) 69976 

Category】 Ⅲ(Books: English, Language: English) 


This course covers various activities of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and other international organizations, mainly in the field of higher education cooperation in engineering and science. Discussions will be made from the view point of SDGs. Anybody who is interested in international cooperation is most welcome to join the discussion. 

Add and Drop

If you wish to take this class, fill out the form at Academic Affairs Section of GSST until the deadline below. 

*Students who wish to take this course outside Japan 

Please send us attached registration form by the deadline below. 

Registration Deadline: December 3 (Fri) 13:00 

However, during the following period, use SOSEKI for registration. 

*Students who wish to take this course outside Japan 

If you have a trouble such as you cannot access for SOSEKI, please send us attached form.

Registration period on SOSEKI: October18(Mon) – November19(Fri) 

If you would like to drop this class, fill out the form at Academic Affairs Section of GSST until the deadline below. 

*Students who is outside Japan, please send us attached form by the deadline below in case you wish to withdraw the class. 

Cancellation Deadline: December 9 (Thu) 


Be sure to do the cancellation if you do not attend the class after the registration, otherwise your grade are processed as registered. 

GJEC HP・・・https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gjec/en/

InquiryAcademic affairs/International Section of GSST 

          TEL: 096-342-3013 

          Email : szk-project@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp 




                               センター長   連川 貞弘


高度教育科目・国際理解「International Cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals」について、


◇科目名   International Cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals 




◇講師  中野 恭子 先生


◇開講日時  1210日(金)  6限 (Zoom

        124日(月)56限 (Zoom


◇単位数   1単位

◇コード   【2018年度以降入学者】(博士前期)49121 (博士後期)79121 


◇カテゴリー  Ⅲ(Books: English, Language: English) 

◇講義概要   上記英文を参照

【履修登録】 希望者は大学院教務にて下記締切日までに履修登録を行ってください。




       SOSEKIでの履修登録期間: 1018日(月)〜1119日(金)

【履修削除】 履修登録後に履修できなくなった場合は、大学院教務にて履修削除手続きを行ってください。


【重要】   履修削除締切日までに手続きを行わない場合は、履修の意志があるものとして評価の対象にな


