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【開講通知】R3年度「Volcanology Ⅱ」

To. All GSST students

From. Sadahiro Tsurekawa


Announcement of Lectures in English


(Subject for Science and Technology/Advanced General Education/Understanding Contemporary Society A)

(Professional Education/Advanced Science and Technology B)

Global Joint Education Center (GJEC) will offer the following course in English.


【Title】Volcanology Ⅱ

*For students who enrolled in or after 2018, this course will be held as one of the subjects of

“Subject for Science and Technology/Advanced General Education/Understanding Contemporary A”.

*For students who enrolled in or before 2017, this course will be held as one of the subject of “Professional Education/Advanced Science and Technology B”.



【Instructor】  Toshiaki Hasenaka (Kumamoto University)


February 18 1rd –4th Periods

( 1rd 8:40-10 :10、2rd 10:25-11:55、3rd 12:55-14:25、4rd 14:40-16:10 )


February 25 2rd –4th Periods

( 2rd 10:25-11:55、3rd 12:55-14:25、4rd 14:40-16:10 )


【Place】  ※This lecture will be held by Zoom.

Access information will be announced later on Moodle.


【Credit】  1 credit for each class

*The students who enrolled in or before 2017 must take Volcanology I and II, and 2 credits will be given.


【Code】 【For students who enrolled in or after 2018】Volcanology II: (Master) 49102 (Doctor) 79102

【For students who enrolled in or before 2017】Volcanology II:(Doctor) 69835

【Category】 III (Books: English, Language of Instruction: English)



What occurs to you, when we talk about volcanism?  Spectacular scene of volcanic eruption?  Disasters?  Tourism?  In order to understand volcanism, we focus on

(1) magmas: their generation, migration and eruption on the surface, and their properties,

(2) volcanic eruptions: causes, types, and phenomena.

(3) disaster mitigations and eruption predictions,

(4) blessings of volcanism: tourism, resources, its effect on the formation of earth and our homeland.  I hope you become interested in geology of your homeland, and history of planet Earth through the study of volcanism.


【Registration and Cancellation】

If you wish to take this class, fill out the form at Academic Affairs Section of GSST until the deadline below.

Registration Deadline: February 10 (Thu)13:00 


If you would like to withdraw the class, fill out the form at Academic Affairs Section of GSST.

Cancellation Deadline: February 17 (Thu)13:00



Be sure to do the cancellation if you do not attend the class after the registration, otherwise your grades are processed as registered.


★GJEC HP https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gjec/en/

[Inquiry & Registration] Academic /International Affair Section of GSST (ext: 3013)

Email : szk-project@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp




自然科学教育部学生 各位


センター長 連川 貞弘


総合科学技術共同教育センター(GJEC) 理工融合教育科目・大学院教養教育科目・現代社会理解A/専門科目・総合科学B「Volcanology II」について、開講の詳細をお知らせします。


◇科目名   Volcanology II




◇講師    長谷中 利昭 先生(熊本大学)



2月 18日( 金 )1,2,3,4限

( 1限8:40-10 :10、2限10:25-11:55、3限12:55-14:25、4限14:40-16:10)

2月 25日( 金 )2,3,4限



◇教室   ※Zoomによる遠隔授業です。詳細はMoodleにてお知らせ致します。

◇単位数   各1単位


【2018年度以降入学者】 Volcanology II: (博士前期) 49102 (博士後期) 79102

【2017年度以前入学者】Volcanology II: (博士後期) 69835

◇カテゴリー  Ⅲ(Books: English, Language: English)

◇講義概要  上記英文を参照






履修登録締切日: 2月 10日( 木 )13:00まで



履修削除締め切り: 2月 17日( 木 )13:00まで




★GJECのホームページはこちら https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gjec/en/


担当:自然科学系事務課大学院教務・国際担当 (内線3013)

Email : szk-project@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp