• センター長挨拶
  • イノベーションリーダー育成プログラム
  • 国際共同教育プログラム
  • Aim-Highプログラム
  • 開講科目一覧
  • 各種支援事業







(国際理解)Kumamoto-Mansfield Lecture Series

US-Japan Cooperation: Examining Nuclear and Security Issues

Course Description:
This course will provide an overview of US-Japan nuclear alliance issues and examine the history, current state and future of nuclear deterrence strategy. Topics ranging from the role of nuclear weapons in US-Japan security policies, energy cooperation, and efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons worldwide will be explored.

The US was the first country to obtain nuclear weapons and since then the modern military defense strategy has been closely intertwined with nuclear deterrence. In addition to US-Japan nuclear issues, the course will introduce the history of US nuclear deterrence, focusing on the military side of US build-up, reduction and future plans. Given the heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula in today’s climate, the prospects for progress on nuclear disarmament in the Trump administration will be discussed as well.

(国際理解)International Cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals

Objective of Course:
Each participant acquires an image of his/her activities for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in his/her country/region.

General Description:
This course covers various activities of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and other international organizations mainly in the field of higher education. Discussions will be made from the view point of SDGs. Not only students who are supported by JICA programs, but also those who are interested in activities in the higher education sector are most welcome to join the discussion.


ユークリッド幾何学成立から非ユークリッド幾何学の発見に到る歴史に特に注目しながら、古代から19 世紀までの数学史を(a)技術および方法論(b)思想的特性(c)担い手の社会的階層(d)社会的背景の変遷といった観点から概観する。多くの問題例や一次資料の検討を通して、各時代・地域における数学のあり方を鳥瞰し、数学史の技術史・思想史としての理解を目指す。同時に、現代数学における様々なものの見方や数学的技術などの立脚点や数学的意義についても目を向けることで、現代数学に対する一定の視角を得ることも目指したい。

1) 古代文明の数学
2) ギリシャの数学
3) アラビアから近代西洋
4) 平行線公準の歴史
5) 非ユークリッド幾何学の





(総合)女性活躍社会を生きるということ ― 男性も女性も ―

  1. 男女共同参画の現状
    1. (1) 日本のGGGI(Global Gender Gap Index)
      111位 (144か国中)が意味するもの
    2. (2) 高等教育における問題
    3. (3) 政治における問題
    4. (4) 経済における問題
    5. (5) 健康における問題
    6. (6) 日本の少子化
    7. (7) 女性に対する暴力
    8. (8) 貧困は女性の顔を持つ
  2. 男女共同参画行政の歴史
    1. (1) 国連から始まった
    2. (2) 日本国内の男女共同参画行政の進展
    3. (3) 女子差別撤廃条約
    4. (4) 男女共同参画社会基本法の制定(平成11年)
    5. (5) 男女共同参画基本計画
    6. (6) 地方自治体の動き
    7. (7) 女性活躍推進法の制定(平成28年)
  3. ポジティブ・アクションの意義と注意点
  4. ワーク・ライフ・バランス
    1. (1) 男性の家事育児
    2. (2) 長時間労働
  5. 最近の男女共同参画施策
  6. 最近の国連の動き
    1. (1) 女性エンパワーメント原則WEPs
      (Women Empowerment Principles)
    2. (2) 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)
    3. (3) HeforShe
    4. (4) 2030年までにすべての分野でジェンダー平等達成目標(203050)

Describing Data, Complex Concepts, and Tips for Science Presentations

This course will focus on providing students with the opportunity to develop and practice skills that are useful for science presentations and also for the communication of complex ideas in general. There will be a section based around the fundamentals of describing charts and graphs which aims to provide learners with the skills that are necessary to accurately communicate key data during presentations. This section will form the backbone of the final assessment. In addition, there will be a section focused on practice communicating complex concepts, which draws on a range of scientific riddles/puzzles to provide students with a fun but challenging environment to practice communication. Finally, the course will aim to provide students with some skills for conference attendance, such as presentation tips, networking language, and how to ask and answer questions. Finally, through the use of a synthetic learning environment, there will be a fully communicative task-based activity on one of the days, based around the commercial video game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. The core goal of this course is to promote language development in a fun and engaging yet challenging way.

(外国語リテラシー特別教育プログラム)科学英語演習Ⅱ Advanced Academic Writing

This course is a series of workshop sessions aimed at improving your academic writing skills. Focus will primarily be on the fundamental elements of scientific composition and structuring a research paper fit for publication. Each session will introduce strategies on how to start and manage the writing process, plan each section of a paper, improve visual charts and data with clear legends, and edit for clarity and brevity. Participants will be given the opportunity to explore the topics covered through in-class exercises, group discussions, and individual activities. The course will conclude with a Q&A/feedback session and a graded written test to assess your comprehension and application of the topics covered.