
※締切延長Extend the deadline【Scholarship Information】公益財団法人平和中島財団 2023年外国人留学生奨学生の募集について

To Private Funded International

Here is the scholarship information from Heiwa Nakashima International Scholarship Foundation for private funded international students.

【申請書の提出期限、提出先等】The deadline for submitting applications and where to submit them are as follows.

提出期限:令和4年9月22日(木)11時 厳守

Submission deadline: Tuesday, September 22, 2022 11:00 あ.m. Strictly observed


*Please note that this is different from the submission deadline stated in the application guidelines.

提出先:自然科学系事務課 大学院教務・国際担当

Submission address: Graduate School Academic Affairs and International Affairs, Division of Natural Science and Technologyechnology

※応募者多数の場合は面接を行います If there are too many applicants, interviews will be conducted.


1.奨学金申込書  Scholarship Application Form (photo attached, form provided)

2.指導教員の推薦書 Recommendation letter from academic advisor

3.履歴書 résumé

4.身上書 Personal information form

5.学業成績表 Academic transcripts

6.2022年度 私費留学生奨学金申請調書(GSST)Application_Form_for_GSST_ver2022

(Attention)1.3.4.Please write it in Japanese.

※今年度まだ提出してない方 Please submit if you have not handed in for AY 2022.