
【通知/Notice】 令和5年度学生健康診断実施について/Health Check-up for Academic Year 2023

大学院生 各位
To all GSST students (※English is Below)
健康診断および尿検査の日時等、その他詳細については定期健康診断 – 熊本大学保健センターをご確認ください。

【 対象者 】
・尿検査→正規生の卒業・修了予定者(M2, D3)


【 配布場所 】
● 工学系博士前期課程2年生 ⇒ 各学科事務室にて配布
● 理学系博士前期課程2年生、(工学系・理学系)博士後期課程2, 3年生 ⇒ 大学院教務・国際担当窓口(工学部1号館1階)


This is the information about Health Check-up for Academic Year 2023.
Please find Yearly Health Examinations – Kumamoto University Health Care Center Website for details such as the date and time.

●Internal Medicine Check-up, Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Pulse → For All Students
●X-ray Examination → For students who entered Kumamoto University this year
●Urinary Examination → For students who are completing a Master’s / Doctoral course

Medical questionnaires and containers for urinary examination will be distributed as follows;
● Second-Year Master’s Course Students of the Department of Engineering → Administrative Office of your field
● Second-Year Master’s Course Students of the Department of Science, Second and Third-Year Doctoral Course Students (Engineering and Science) → GSST office(Faculty of Engineering Bldg. No1 1st Floor)

**First-year students of Master’s / Doctoral Course will be distributed in the Program of Guidance for New Students.
**Those who need the English questionnaires or X-ray examination sheet will be distributed at GSST office.