English below
自然科学教育部学生 各位
【募集延長:追加情報】第18回 ICAST 2023 における奨学金(参加旅費)の支援について
追加して、Duolingo English Test及びTOEFL Home Editionのスコアも受け付けます。
Duolingo English Testは受験後48時間以内に結果がでます。
To All Doctoral and Master Students of Graduate School of Science and Technology,
[Extension of application : Updated Information] Travel Expenses for The 18th ICAST2023
Regarding the previously announced scholarship support (travel expenses for participation) related to ICAST 2023,
We would like to inform you of the extension of the call for applications and updated information on English scores.
The deadline for submitting applications is extended as follows
Tuesday, July 4, 17:00
In addition to TOEFL (including ITP), TOEIC (including IP), or IELTS scores, we also accept Duolingo English Test and TOEFL Home Edition scores.
Duolingo English Test results are available within 48 hours of taking the test.
【通知】第18回先端科学技術分野学生国際会議ICAST2023(9/18-19)における 奨学金(参加旅費)の支援について/Notice Concerning Scholarships for Travel Expenses for The 18th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology(ICAST2023)
*English below
自然科学教育部学生 各位
藤本 斉
第18回先端科学技術分野学生国際会議 ICAST 2023 における
自然科学教育部では、第18回先端科学技術分野学生国際会議 ICAST 2023をインドネシアのハサヌディン大学で開催します。つきましては、発表を行う学生を対象に、奨学金(参加旅費)の支援を行いますので、奨学金受給を希望する学生は、下記要項を確認し、指導教員の了解を得て、必要書類を大学院教務担当に提出してください。
ICASTへの登録や詳細についてはICAST HP(https://icast.events.unhas.ac.id/, https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst_common/icast/)をご覧ください。
1. 対 象:自然科学教育部に在籍する博士前期課程及び博士後期課程の学生で、
2. 募集人数:日本人学生30名、外国人留学生5名
3. 支援金額:日本人学生30名(20名 15万円/人、10名 10万円/人)
外国人留学生5名 15万円/人
4. 締 切:7月4日(火)17:00 6月30日(金)17:00
5. 提出書類:1. Financial Support Application Form: ICAST 2023
2. TOEFL(ITP含む)、TOEIC(IP含む)、あるいはIELTSスコアの証明書コピー
※Duolingo English Test 及びTOEFL Home Editionのスコアも受け付けます。
※応募に必要な条件:TOEFL-iBT 52(PBT換算470)、TOEIC 500、
IELTS 5.0以上の英語スコアを取得していること。
6. 提 出 先:自然科学系事務課大学院教務担当
7. 帰国後の義務:
1. 報告会での英語による発表(詳細は後日連絡)。
2. 報告書の提出
3. 帰国から半年以内に再度英語試験を受験しスコア提出およびASOへ登録する。
8. 注意事項:
自然科学系事務課大学院教務・国際担当 総合科学技術共同教育センター
ICAST熊本大学事務局 副センター長
小山・古谷 096-342-3982/3836 岸田 光代 096-342-3020
E-mail: icast@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp mkishida@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
June 16, 2023
To All Doctoral and Master Students of Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Dean, Graduate School of Science and Technology
The 18th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology
(ICAST 2023, Indonesia)
Notice Concerning Scholarships for Travel Expenses
We are pleased to announce that the Graduate School of Science and Technology is holding the 18th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology ICAST2023 at the Hasanuddin University in Indonesia, and scholarships (travel expenses) will be provided for students who will be presenting at the conference. Students who wish to receive the scholarship should check the following guidelines, obtain approval from their academic advisor, and submit the necessary documents to the administrative office of Graduate School of Science and Technology.
Please go to ICAST home page for further information and registration for the conference:
https://icast.events.unhas.ac.id/; https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst_common/icast/
We will not be recruiting steering committee members this year, but we may be selecting students who serve as session chairpersons as in the past.
1. Eligibility: Master’s and doctoral students enrolled in the Graduate School of Science and Technology who can make an oral presentation and participate in the 3-day program in person from September 18 to 20, 2023
2. Number of recipients: 30 Japanese students and 5 international students
3. Scholarship amount: 20 Japanese students – 150,000 JPY/person, 10 Japanese students – 100,000 JPY/person; 5 international students – 150,000 JPY/person
※These scholarships are granted to support traveling expenses (flight and accommodation)
4. Application deadline:17:00 PM on Tuesday July 4, 2023 17:00 PM on Friday June 30, 2023
※ Applicants will be notified of the results and the amount of scholarship after the selection process.
5. Documents to be submitted:
1. Financial Support Application Form: ICAST 2023
2. A copy of TOEFL (including ITP), TOEIC (including IP) or IELTS scores
※We also accept Duolingo English Test and TOEFL Home Edition scores.
※Requirements for application:Score of TOEFL-iBT 52 (converted to PBT score 470), TOEIC 500, IELTS 5.0 or above.
※Preferably obtained in April 2021 or later.
※English scores must be registered in the ASO system.
6. Submit to:Administrative office of Graduate School of Science and Technology
7. Post-return assignment:
1. Presentation in English at the debriefing session (details to be announced)
2. Submission of reports
3. Take the English exam again within six months after the conference is over; submit the scores and register it in ASO system. In addition to the type of English tests required in the application process, the results of a mock test from Reallyenglish, an online English learning program offered by the university, is acceptable.
8. Notes:
・Students with higher English scores are given precedence to be accepted.
・An interview in English will be conducted if necessary.
・Students who give oral presentations at the conference are given precedence to be accepted.
・Among Japanese students a quota of 150,000 JPY in scholarship will be allocated to the students with the higher ranking in the selection process.
・In addition to the scholarship, if you wish to receive expenses from research funds to make up the shortfall, please contact the administrative office of Graduate School of Science and Technology.
・This scholarship will be paid a few months after the completion of the accounting procedures after returning back to Japan from the conference. Advanced payment is not available.
【For inquiry】
Administrative office of Graduate School of
Science and Technology
ICAST Secretariat, Kumamoto University
Tel: 096-342-3982 / 096-342-3836
E-mail: icast@jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Global Joint Education Center for Science and Technology
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Kumamoto University
Tel: 096-342-3020