
【後期分】授業料の納入について Announcement

令和5年度 前期分授業料を次のとおり納入してください。
1.納入期限 令和5年10月31日(口座振替日:10月27日)

○学部・大学院の研究科又は教育部 267,900円
○特別支援教育特別専攻科・養護教諭特別別科 136,950円
○研究生・特別研究学生 29,700円(月額)
○科目等履修生・特別聴講学生 14,800円(1単位)

3.納入方法 口座振替、収入窓口での現金納入

4.納入に関する問合せ先 財務部財務課収入担当(TEL:096-342-3176)

Payment for tuition fee

All students are hereby required to make a payment the tuition fee for the fall semester,

2023 by October 31th, 2023 (Scheduled account transfer date : October 27th ,2023 )

◆Undergraduates and Graduate School Students of All Faculties except School of Law

                                 ・・・ 267,900 yen

◆Course in Special Needs Education and Course in School Health ・・・ 136,950 yen

◆Research Students ・・・ 29,700 yen ( per month)

◆Non-degree Students (called kamokuto-rishusei in Japanese)

                         ・・・ 14,800 yen (per course credit)

Payment is accepted by preauthorized electronic withdrawal or at the reception of

following Administration Office;

Finance Affairs Division (1st floor, Administration Office, Kurokami South Campus)

※Payment at the reception is acceptable in cash only.

For more information on how to make a payment, please contact Finance Affairs Division. (TEL:096-342-3176)

※Students who are applying for Tuition Fee exemption, please set the transfer afterwards.

※Please note that the person who submits the application of automatic account transfer should check a balance of the bank account by October 26th.