下記のとおり、ウシオ財団から奨学生の募集があっております。The following applications are being accepted for the USHIO Scholarship.
【申請書の提出期限、提出先等】The deadline for submitting applications and where to submit them are as follows.
提出期限:令和4年4月25日(月)17時 厳守 ※変更しましたのでご注意ください。
Submission deadline: Monday, April 25, 2022, 5:00 p.m. Strictly observed ※The deadline has changed
*Please note that this is different from the submission deadline stated in the application guidelines.
提出先:自然科学系事務課 大学院教務・国際担当
Submission address: Graduate School Academic Affairs and International Affairs, Division of Natural Science and Technology
【留 意 事 項】 次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラム「Well-being社会を先導する異分野横断型博士人材育成プログラム」との併給は不可
【Note】Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation Program at Kumamoto University Cross-disciplinary Doctoral Human Resource Development Program to Lead the Well-being cannot be used at the same time.
1.奨学生願書【緊急連絡先は指導教授等、日本在住の成人を選定のこと。(友人は原則不可)】 Application Form [Please select an adult resident of Japan as your emergency contact, such as your academic advisor. (Friends are not acceptable in principle.)]
2.奨学生推薦書【在学学校長(または研究科長等これに準ずる者)の推薦を受け、指導教授が記入のこと】Letter of recommendation [to be filled out by the supervising professor with recommendation from the principal of the school (or the dean of the graduate school or equivalent)
3.成績証明書【原本。大学院生は学部以降全て。原本の取得が困難な場合は成績証明書のコピー又はWEB成績書の印刷でも可能。】Transcripts [Original. Graduate students must submit all transcripts from undergraduate school onwards. If it is difficult to obtain original transcripts, photocopies of transcripts or printouts of web-based transcripts may be accepted.
4.住民票(発行後3ヶ月以内のもの)もしくは、在留カード(裏面に住所記載があること)裏表コピーでも可能 Residence card (issued within the last 3 months) or Residence card (with the address written on the back), a photocopy of the back side is acceptable.
5.経済状況報告書【本財団指定用紙を使用】Economic Situation Report [Use the form designated by the Foundation].
6.2022年度 私費留学生奨学金申請調書(GSST)Application_Form_for_GSST_ver2022
※今年度まだ提出してない方 Please submit if you have not handed in for AY 2022.
7.評価票 evaluation