
Computer Science and Communication Engineering

Education Goals

Our goal is to train students to become professionals who can creatively and practically contribute to the wellbeing of mankind, equipped with expert-level abilities and advanced perception skills in the broad area of information and communication needed in our globalized and highly information-driven society.

Education Objectives

We aim to help students acquire abilities such as the following.

1. High-level expert knowledge, skills, and research abilities
  • Expert-level knowledge on computer hardware, software, and information transmission technology
  • Ability to effectively present research results gained through having results published as papers in academic journals
  • Ability to be inquisitive self-starters, think logically, discover and resolve issues, and express oneself
2. Holistic academic ability that allows for understanding of a wide array of disciplines
  • Ability to be intellectually inquisitive and logical, the ability to discover and resolve issues, and expressive abilities gained through taking integrated science and engineering education courses
  • Ability to grasp the newest scientific technology in one’s area of expertise and related areas, gained through lectures and lab-centered seminars
3. A global outlook and ability to take action
  • Presentation and communication abilities gained through presenting papers both inside and outside Japan
4. Leadership abilities to be a driver of change in the local community
  • Ability to plan, execute, and work well with others, gained through an internship system that connects students with companies and research organizations both in Japan and abroad

What We Offer

In order to realize a ubiquitous society, there is a need to implement more changeable computer hardware and software and to construct even more flexible and adaptable information processing systems. In this education program, students will engage in education and research through organic collaboration between experts in computer architecture, hardware design and other hardware technology fields, experts in algorithms, operating systems and other software technology fields, as well as experts in microwave and millimeter wave engineering and diffraction optics and other computer science and electromagnetic engineering fields.