Yoshitaka Nakanishi

Research highlight

Professor Yoshitaka Nakanishi received his Dr. Eng. degree from Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan, in 1998. He is currently a full professor at Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan. His current research interests include tribology and surface engineering in bioengineering and sustainable technology. He belongs to Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and Japanese Society of Tribologist etc.


1998 - 1999: Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
1999 - 2004: Associate professor, Department of Assistive Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Oita University
2004 - 2005: Associate professor, Department of Bio-robotics, Faculty of Engineering, Kuyshu Sangyo University
2005 – 2009: Professor, Department head of Digital Medicine Initiative, Faculty of medicine, Kuyshu University
2008 –2016: Professor, Advanced Mechanical Systems, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
2016 – present: Professor, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University

Contact information

(+81) 096-342-3733

Email: y-naka(at)

2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 860-8555 JAPAN
Kurokami South campus
Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology

EngD., Professor
Department of Molecular Agriculture