Yoshihiro Sekine
Research highlight
I have been working on how the molecular electrical status of metal complexes change during external stimuli such as heat or light. Electrical changes in metal complexes can flexibly induce structural and spin state changes, which enabling concerted control of a physical properties such as color, conductivity and magnetism. In addition, I’m also working on the optimization of machine learning-based molecular synthesis and biomss catalysis, as a mean to design catalyst materials.
2014.03: PhD, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Degree program
in Pure and Applied Sciences, Tsukuba University
2014.04 - 2020.10: Assistant professor, Institute for Materials Research,
Tohoku University
2020.11 - present: Associate professor, Priority Organization for Innovation
and Excellence, Kumamoto University
Contact information
(+81) 096-342-3478
Email: sekine(at)kumamoto-u.ac.jp
2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 860-8555 JAPAN
Kurokami South campus
Faculty of Science Building 2, Room C245
PhD., Associate professor
Metal complex chemistry, chemoinformatics
Department of Molecular Agriculture