Masashi Toda
Research highlight
I use image analysis to quantify and visualize the animals and plants, as well as the environments in aquaculture and agriculture, in order to support the local primary industries. Specifically, I work on the automatic numeration of scallops (Figure 1), star fishes and algae, dynamic measurements of salmon and tuna, harvest prediction of tomato and bamboo shoots, and quality assessment of shiitake mushrooms (Figure 2).

1998.03: EngD, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
1998.04 - 2001.03: Researcher, SECOM Intelligent Systems Laboratory
2001.04 - 2005.03: Lecturer, School of Systems Information Science, Future
University Hakodate
2005.04 - 2007.03: Assistant professor, School of Systems Information Science,
Future University Hakodate
2007.04 - 2012.03: Associate professor, School of Systems Information Science,
Future University Hakodate
2012.04 - 2014.04: Professor, Center for Multimedia and Information Technologies,
Kumamoto University
2014.05 - 2023.03: Professor, Center for Management of Information Technologies,
Kumamoto University
2023.04 - present: Professor, Forefront Research and Education Center for
Semiconductors, Kumamoto University

Contact information
(+81) 096-342-3913
Email: toda(at)
2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 860-8555 JAPAN
Kurokami South campus
Center for Management of Information Technologies
EngD., Professor
Computer vision, image analysis
Department of Molecular Agriculture